Private Individual
Dietary Change Assistance for an Individual
Private Individual
Client requested dietary change assistance in order to complete an elimination diet as recommended by his/her health care provider. The goal was for the client to identify foods or food groups, if any, negatively affecting his/her physical well-being.
Create menus and recipes that align with specified elimination diet to support client’s successful completion of the program. In addition, provide Personal Chef services to ease meal prep and provide general instruction with regard to ingredient choices.
- Weekly Menus
- Recipes
- Personal Chef Services
- Instruction
Client successfully completed the elimination diet and received valuable information about how certain food groups were affecting his/her health and wellness. Client reported significant improvement in medical test results as well as other physical improvements. As a result, client has adopted a new whole food, minimally-processed, anti-inflammatory eating plan, and has gained increased knowledge and skill in choosing and preparing foods for optimum health.